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Founded: 2019
Publisher: K+F Stúdió kft.
ISSN 2676-9964

Step 1
Write a study! You can use these templates:
   Template for an empirical study
   Template for a methodological study
   Template for a workshop presentation
   Template for even report
   Template for a review
   Template of invitation to an event

Step 2
Ask two public reviewers (e.g., a supervisor or a colleague) to provide suggestions regarding your study and to support it with their names! The reviewers must hold a Ph.D. degree!

Step 3
Submit the (.docx) study and the following author and reviewer statements (in PDF format) to info@kpluszf.com!

   Author’s statement
   Reviewer’s statement

The expected publication dates of the issues are June and December.
Submission deadlines: June 10th and December 10th. Papers submitted after the deadline may be published in the following semester at the latest.

After submission
Our anonymous reviewers will also evaluate the study, and we aim to provide feedback within two weeks after submission.

Adatbázisok, repozitórium

A folyóirat és egyes tanulmányai egyaránt Open Access (nyílt hozzáférésű) dokumentumok.

A Crossref DOI adatbázisba, a Magyar Tudományos Művek Tárában (MTMT),

a MATARKA-ba,, az EPA-ba, az MTA REAL Repozitóriumba,

a Kocka Kör Alumni adattárába a szerkesztőség

a megjelenést követően rögzíti a dokumentumokat.


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